Saturday 10 January 2009

I want this so bad ><
It costs nearly £400 though

Monday 10 November 2008


Translated lyrics (not mine btw) =
The translated lyrics:
Walking straight ahead I meet an FOE.There’s an orange thing here, FOE.
Oh no, it’s noticed us! FOE!
We’re out of TP. FOE!
We’re in the middle of fighting a boss and there’s an FOE! (Get lost!)
The paladin has died! FOE!
“What is going on here?! My party got wiped because of an FOE!”
The numbers are increasing… FOE.I made a mistake navigating… FOE.
They’re reviving… FOEs!
I forgot to buy some Warp Strings… FOE!
There’s a horn sticking out… FOE.
Ouch, that curse really hurts… FOE.
I open a door and there’s an FOE!
Every 3 days a new FOE!
“Onii-chan! Get away, that’s an FOE!”
Aniki and I… body build! (Cho Aniki reference)
“Well, isn’t this FOE in high spirits.”
(This verse is mostly injokes about Iosys’ other videos)
Saitama, Saitama, FOE.(2chan reference)
“Eirin, Eirin” FOE! (Eirin means forest management)
Gossun Gossun FOE. (Hitting the voodoo doll.)
Doman seman FOE. (Exorcising.)
“Hahahaha! I’ve added another monster to my encounter list!”
“And it’s none other than an FOE.”

Friday 17 October 2008


Created a blog, hurray!
And here's Banri one of my Original Characters, drew on Manga Studio EX 3.0 (what a fancy name FTW)